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Gold Ribbon Hero: Johnathan M.

Meet Johnathan, a Ewing’s Sarcoma survivor!

Johnathan was an active kid who participated in tennis and basketball who started to suffer from a sore leg. His parents took him to the doctors office for scans, but they refused to check it out. A few months passed and Johnathan collapsed in gym class. He was taken to the emergency room where bloodwork was taken. A local osteopath looked at Johnathan’s labs andordered an MRI immediately. 

“We were in disbelief. We were angry that our pediatricians wouldn’t listen to us. They kept telling us it was a pulled muscle or growing pains,” remembers Stephanie, Johnathan’s mother. 

Once the MRI was completed, Johnathan’s family and medical team arranged a zoom call to go over the results. Images revealed that the tumor was located in his pelvis and mushrooming out of his hip bone. Doctors were sure it was some sort of sarcoma, just not sure what type. A few days later, Johnathan was taken to Boston Children’s to have a PET scan performed.

“Johnathan’s diagnosis came when the world was shutting down due to Covid. Only one parent was allowed in the hospital at a time. Between his Dad and I, we would take turns. If dealing with the after effects of chemo wasn’t enough, he developed a blood clot in his lungs due to Covid.” 

Johnathan spent eight months going through treatment and officially rang the bell in August of 2022. 

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