Mom- Natalie Walsh
Location: Aurora, Colorado
Our ten year old daughter Daisy was diagnosed with a brain tumor when she was in Kindergarten. The doctors told us that treatment had to be aggressive because if it came back, there wasn’t anything they could do because it didn’t respond to treatment a second time. She went into battle at the tender age of six.
Daisy underwent a grueling ten hour surgery. Her brain swelled so much, the nerves were damaged and she will have to live with facial paralysis. Her beautiful smile was taken away on that day in 2013. She endured six weeks of full brain and spine radiation along with eleven months of chemo. The chemo damaged her hearing and she now has hearing loss in both ears.
She completed treatment late winter 2014.
Although we were fearful, we stayed as hopeful and positive that the cancer would never come back.
During a routine scan eighteen months later, the unforgiving, cruel monster came without warning and took residence in our little girl’s brain once again. In September, 2015 we were devastated and broken hearted to find out that the cancer returned but this time had metastasized to her spine.
The reality of childhood cancer engulfed our lives once again but this time we know the odds are not in our favor. She is on an experimental treatment plan as it was our only option to save her life. It has been a difficult, painful and emotional year. I have cried most days but I am also learning how to laugh again. She is alive today and while she is still in treatment, every day is a gift that we have her in our lives. The tears come less and less and the hope for tomorrow is always brighter and brighter, because cancer can never steal our hope.
Daisy’s best friend is her sister who is thirteen. She also has two older siblings. Their wish lists are below.
If you are interested in helping to fulfill a gift wish, please contact Andrea by email at or by phone at 1-855-858-2226 ext. 107.

- Num Noms Series 2 – Sparkle Cupcake Pack
- Frizzy Polaroid Camera/ pink with film and case
- Happy Places Home Shopkins
- Amazon Gift Card
- Super Fun Marble Run
- Magna Tiles
- Shopkin Slippers
- Craft Set
- Shopkin Sheets and/or Comforter
- Tsrim Tsrim Christmas
Isabella – 13 year old Girl:
- Lego Elves – The Secret Market Place
- Lego Elves – Fire Dragon Lava Cave
- Safari Ltd Guardian Dragon
- Schleich North American Dragon Diver Toy Figure
- Safari Ltd Princess Dragon
- Safari Ltd Sun Dragon
- Schleich Dragon Battering Ram Toy
Amazon Gift Card for Books
- Open Reel Fishing Rod
- Realistic Looking Lures
- New school backpack with wide opening to fit books/ no designs or girly stuff
In addition to the Rock Bottom staff and guest, the American Childhood Cancer Organization is also extending this sponsorship to our online support community. If you or anyone you know would like to also sponsor a family by selecting a gift, please contact Andrea by email at or by phone at 1-855-858-2226 ext. 107. Please deliver or send unused and unwrapped gifts prior to December 21, 2016, as they will be wrapped and delivered to the families by December 23, 2016.