Photography by Michelle Purdue.
Meet Carson, a 7 year old ovarian cancer warrior.
After having a week-long fever, Carson’s stomach became hard to the touch. Doctors discovered the tumor and the next morning Carson went in for surgery to remove the tumor and her ovary. Kristi and Clayton, Carson’s parents, were devastated and terrified for their daughter.
The surgery required doctors to make a very large incision. As a result, Carson had to be on an epidural for three days and many pain medications. Following her port placement surgery, Carson was very sick. To make matters worse, she started her first chemotherapy treatment. Carson had a severe allergic reaction to the chemotherapy but she powered through.

Photography by Michelle Purdue.
In total, Carson endured three rounds of chemo over four days inpatient. In February 2022, Carson was declared NED. She will continue monthly blood draws and quarterly CT scans to ensure her cancer stays in remission.
Carson is featured as an ambassador for ACCO’s GO GOLD® the RUN. Run for kids like Carson by clicking here.
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